Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Logos again...

I have recently been reminded of my post about logos and vibration, from two different resources. The first was from doing research for a ritual I was to compose. I was reading the Egyptian creation epic and found the following:

Harmonized from various versions of the Mythos
by Aaron Leitch

In the beginning there was only the Nun: the great celestial waters of the Unmanifest; the depths of the nighttime sky. Swimming within this primordial Deep were the mighty Ogdoad: eight Gods who consisted of four Serpents, and four Frogs. There names were Nun and Nunet, deities of the watery abyss; Heh and Hehet, deities of infinite space; Kek and Keket, deities of darkness; and Amon and Amonet, deities of the invisible. These primordial Gods swam within the Waters, guarding the Great Egg that incubated the Creator. In time, the Egg began to hatch. It split into two halves, dividing the waters of the Nuninto the upper and lower, and making between them a space wherein the Creator could fashion the world. From the Egg arose a single blue Lotus. It rose high above the darkness of the abyss, and opened it's great petals. Within it's golden heart rested a beautiful young God, the Creator Amen-Re, with one single finger pressed against His lips in Silence. Light streamed from the body of this Divine Child, banishing darkness to the far reaches of the universe. Like a phoenix with flaming plumage He arose, uttering a cry that shattered the eternal silence. This was the first sound- the first Word- and that Word manifested as a living God. Thoth was His name: the Self-Created, the Logos, Wisdom.

Then, I started watching a series of YouTube lectures called "Hidden Knowledge in Old Norse Myths"

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