Recently, a friend of mine had a "Rocky Horror Picture Show" themed dress up birthday party. As usual playing cards were thrown when prompted. After arriving home I noticed, somehow, I had unknowingly brought a card home with me. It was, the ace of spades...
Being a firm believer in messages from the universe, coming in such forms as divination with cards, I put the card aside for later to look up a more in-depth traditional interpretation of this card. As, the tarot decks I am most familiar with are "The Alchemical Tarot" and "The Rider-Waite Tarot". I am aware that the "The Rider-Waite Tarot" is a more traditional deck but, I wanted to find an even more general interpretation. I knew from my usage of these previously mentioned decks, that the ace of spades is traditionally the same as the ace of swords. The suite of swords typically represent the element of air, which is representative of intellect and communication and the ace is typically attributed to new beginnings. As, I researched I found a more interesting interpretation.
(from: http://www.tarot.com/show_daily_card.php?explicit_card=50&explicit_deck=63)
General Meaning: This suit represents the rational mind and its ability to discriminate. Swords cut through things in order to pierce illusion, to differentiate between fantasy and reality. In the image of this Ace, a single upraised sword represents your Prime Motive or Guiding Ideal -- the primary vision that guides you through life's changing fortunes with single-minded clarity.
(from: a bulletin board http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=37848)
Ok this is some information I have found in a book by Robert Lee Camp 'Destiny cards' On this fascinating card that has intrigued readers and the general public over hundreds of years.
If you notice in every deck of playing cards you will see that the Ace of spades is different to the other aces. firstly it has a much larger symbol and secondly it normally is ornately decorated, often beautifully. Manufacturers will often place there logo or company name on this card. Have you wondered why? Even some of the manufacturers don't know. But this card has become or represents the "Order of the Magi" the secret societies of the ancients.
It is the one card that means secrets! This card has been associated with death. Many cultures has used this card in film and literature as the death symbol. It is one of the more powerful symbols for personal transformation, and in some cases, physical death.
The aces are beginnings, and as such this ace can mean a new beginning in our lives on a profound level. Every new beginning happens after a little "Death" this is where this interpretation comes from.
So this card is that of 'hidden truth' that lies behind the veil of illusion in the world. And with this secret society using this as their symbol, they hid their secrets in this little book of 52 pages.
This ace instils fear into many when it is shown. But people fear what they do not know, but once they know it, the illusion (and death is a illusion) disappears, and in it's place knowledge and light is found.
Prior to the United States being involved in the region, the French had occupied Indo-China. In French fortunetelling with cards the ace of spades predicted death and suffering when it was accompanied w/ a ten and a nine. Interstingly ... if you ended up w/ the Ace of Spades oriented right side up, it would indicates profit in consequence of a death that is to say, an inheritance or legacy. If the Ace is accompanied by the Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten of Clubs, there will be a large increment of money.
The 'death card' in a Tarot deck is sometimes confused w/ the 'death card' reference associated w/ the regular Ace of Spades card in a normal deck of cards. Many people believe that they have the same meaning ... or their meanings derived from one another. The interesting thing is that there not only is no real connection between the Death Card in the Tarot deck and the Ace of Spades as a 'death card' ... but in fact the death card in Tarot doesn't really signify death (to the querent). Simply put ... it could signify a form of renewal or transformation.
The Ace of Spades has always served some special purpose in a deck of cards. Early in card history it was often used to identify the maker of the cards ... a practice that continues to this day. It served as a signifigant means of revenue for many governments. In times of war this card takes on a psychological role with it's aura of death and misfortune. It's even been used as an metaphor for the trinity. And finally, the Ace of Spades ... and it's cousin The Joker have been the subject of countless artistic interpretations and presentations.
I found it interesting that for the most part this card seemed to represent a rebirth to me, as well as for me. I also took it for it's intellectual symbolism and understood it to mean a intellectual rebirth or even more specific as a psychological/conscious/subconscious death and rebirth cycle.
Also of interest, the following was stated by the Baron the day before I found this card:
A Ring For Thee: Annular Solar Eclipse
Because Mercury announcing Saturn’s big plans isn’t enough, heaven’s will also mandates a solar eclipse the same day. To, you know, make a point. Why kill flies with a swatter when the sledge is handy? This solar eclipse is extra special, as well. It is the first of the new eclipse series to occur in Capricorn, where the North Node is and will be for the next year. The solar eclipse this summer and the lunar one just weeks ago were both on the South Node, the Dragon’s tail. In effect, each presided over a profound disappearance of energy, a withdrawal, a letting go. The solar eclipse this week, on the Dragon’s Mouth, vomits us out of the wormhole of change and towards the cold stone ramparts of our position in the proverbial real world. With all the kinetic energy of a petite rebirth, we will alter the pre-existing life patterns by impact alone.
(found here:http://baronastrology.com/2010/01/jan-11th-17th-prayer-for-an-auspicious-rebirth/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+baronastrology+%28baronastrology.com%29)
I have recently have taken it upon myself to create a series of recycled books, working my way up the "Tree of Life". After already completing the first one "Malkuth", (I am working up from the base of the tree) I have been awaiting a sign of sorts to begin with the next book, which will be "Yesod".
The following is a pretty basic description of "Yesod":
SEPHIRA YESOD (Foundation)
GOD FORCE SHA-DAI EL CHAI (Almighty Living God)
Yesod is the level of consciousness associated with the moon. It is the place of the unconscious mind. It is the place of pre-thought forms. These pre-thought forms are the energy currents that come just before an idea or a thing manifests. It is the spark of manifestation and of ideas. As such visiting this place will stir your unconscious mind with all sorts of things that could be manifested or wait to be manifested. Yesod is good place to visit if you are bored or lack direction in life. The energy here will stir your unconscious energies that then could mysteriously propel you into something new.
Yesod is also the place where you can observe the cycle of things. Like life and death, summer and winter, beginnings and endings. It is a place to learn that with life comes change and that change takes you to new changes.
Here you can also become aware of the cyclic nature of the Universe itself. You can sense and touch to a point the energy that there is a plan and you and the universe are a part of this plan. This is a comforting feeling because it helps unite you with the one power for force that drives everything that exists.
Because Yesod is a sphere of the unconscious mind, it also is the place of psychic talents and skills. Psychic ability is the function of the subconscious mind. By visiting Yesod you can stimulate these latent abilities and bring them more to the forefront of your consciousness, where you can use them more directly.
The trap with Yesod is becoming too content with yourself and your life to the point that you feel no more learning or changing is needed. You become too idle. Contentment is a powerful place to be when you can use this feeling level and propel yourself forward to greater heights in your evolvement. So if you find yourself becoming idle with your life or because of your visits to Yesod, plan to drop by the sphere of Kether where you can touch the energy of unrestrained manifestation power and help to convert stagnant contentment to dynamic contentment.
The Cherubim work in Yesod. They are the angels of Light and Glory and they also are the keepers of the Akashic records. The Akashic records are the complete human record of the past, present, and future. Now it is important to note that while the Cherubim are most often found here in Yesod and they are the keepers of the Akashic records, the Akashic records are not normally kept in this sphere. However through your contact with the Cherubim you can gain access to the Akashic records if the need is worthy and great enough.
So basically, the universe is telling me I am on the correct path.
"As above, so below"
With the Ace of Spades as "death" card, I'm reminded of that scene in Apocalypse Now where Robert Duvall's character is throwing cards on top of a bunch of slain enemies: "It lets Charlie know who did this..."
The universe is speaking to you. I have made such a friend of Tarot cards over the years, and I am constantly amazed with how some of the same cards out of the set of 10 in the Celtic Cross spread will come up the next day in virtually the same place or at least speaking in the same significance. Beautiful. Shall we do the Time Warp again?
"With the Ace of Spades as "death" card, I'm reminded of that scene in Apocalypse Now where Robert Duvall's character is throwing cards on top of a bunch of slain enemies: "It lets Charlie know who did this...""
Interesting correlation, I love finding links like that!
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